Three Treasures:
A man is only transformed when he finally lays at rest inside and when he can empty himself from the daily worries and meditate. He finds completion when he is silent and peaceful and he does not want or need. He is calm and loving. Only then he can cross the boundaries between realities and reach illumination.
A Couple
They feel happy with each other and its easy to talk and travel together. They share the same taste for many things and can always talk about their differences. They do not hurt each other and protect each other from the outside world. Soul mates they are and walk this lifetime holding hands and having fun.
Mankind Dreams
Men were not given sacred books to rule the world and to protect it but what they did was to confuse the real message, that we are all eternal and forever loved. . They learned and transmitted the wrong Knowledge. But They wake up as they are born and start living this reality. Legends and oral teachings are guiding him. He lives His life and enjoys until he crosses the bridge of life into reality and the journey to eternity and to the Blue Father Begins.. From Him we come.. To Him we go.
My personal journey into darkness and fire. My voyage into my own recognition and transformation. I came out from the turbulent waters strong and loving. The colors of the new world were revealed to me and are in my heart.
Sacred Family
Mary a pure virgin received a message from an angel that she was to receive the Savior of the Universe in her womb.The secret of life lies in Him. His mother lovingly received Him when He came from Heaven. He is the loving Lord of All that is created and His creation loves Him. They teaches us to be loving with each other and to be One.
Blue Memories
He had two best friends who shared with him laughter and sorrow. Along the way they stayed together and built their homes. They experienced love and deception together and stayed friends even though sometimes life was hard on them. Two of them have passed away and one remains. Blue memories shine bright in his mind when he remembers his life and his long gone friends.